
Saturday, 6 June 2009

I don't know how you feel about the D-Day landing which was today 65 years ago. When I put on my computer I saw something that I found somewhat rather disgusting, instead of honouring the fallen heroes of that day they put up something about a silly game instead.
My Father was in that war, so it's not as though the war is something that is forgotten about. People of that day are still alive. We have the freedom that we have because of these brave young men. Some of them were only 15 Years old. On both sides of the war. 15 year old boys were killing 15 year old boys, so that we can life in freedom and do what we like, when we like.
I find it hard to believe that a big company like google can be that disrespectful. I know a few stories about the war. Only a few stories, because it was to painful for my Father to talk about it. He had to watch to many Friends die right in front of him, one of whom was his best Friend for years and he saw his Friend blown in half and still alive and there was nothing my Father could do to help, and that is a memory that he will never forget, and then you get some big company that down right dishonours them, I feel very upset and disgusted by this flagrent disregard to their heroism.
I'm just watching about the D-Day and I find out a lot that I had never known simply because no one told me. Like I said it was to hard for my Father to talk.